Jul 02, 2006 01:58
ok you know it's funny when you spend a month with one guy at the bar dancing with him and hanging on eachother it's funny how many people acctually notice... i had people not come up to me to dance tonight because they thought that john and i were together and he would get mad! a guy sat down at the table and asked what everyones (girls) status was and daryl pointed to jamie and said well she's married then he pointed to me and said she's involved and i looked up from texting john and said what and he said i said you were involved and jamie said with your phone and i went hey no i'm not then shrugged and went back to my text. now here is the question: am i really involved? i really like him and we text everyday and miss each other like crazy and we have talked about stuff for when he gets back but that's at least 8 months from now and he told me not to turn anyone away in the meantime but i just don't know i have no idea what's going on all i know is i want to see him and miss him so much and cry everyday because of it. well i guess that's all for now i'm going to go think about this one for a while longer. i'll let you know what i come up with!