Writer's Block: Hope

Jul 07, 2008 23:23

My family and friends give me hope for my future.
The things that make me happy give me hope for my future.
My academic accomplishments give me hope for my future.

Whenever i see two people who really really work for each other, who truly love each other, I feel hope for the world.
Whenever i see the government do something useful, I have hope for the world's future.
Whenever I see charity, and goodwill, I have hope for the world' future.
I have hope for the world's future when I witness, experience, or give forgiveness.

It's extremely hard to maintain because everywhere there is dysfunction. There is chaos and there is pain and there is suffering. The wealthy have so much, and the impoverished have so little, it's like an unbalanced scale. It's hard to maintain when people care more about holding grudges than they do about appreciating life. It's hard to maintain when people forget that life is fragile, that you should never end conversations on a bad note, because you don't know what could happen. It's hard to maintain when they forget that life is a gift. Even if that sounds cheesy, I believe it. Hope is even harder to maintain when people are so concerned with more more more, money money money, that they are forgetting the earth's limits.

I was hoping this summer would be free from stupid problems and misunderstandings. Little did I know it would start off with a big bang in the form of extreme complication.

The problem is, it takes a huge disaster to bring people together. It should not be like that, at all. Why should there be a hurricane just so people will band together and help each other? Why does it take death, of a friend, of a loved one, of a thousand, to make people wake up and realize that you can't waste your time on stupid things?

Whatever. I feel like I should be above all of this, but I can't stand having people mad at me, especially if they're not even talking to me about it. If there's a problem, lay it out on the table in all its belligerence--don't even bother with fake sincerity. It's just an insult to the apology. And to be brutally honest, I don't give half a shit about the secret unwritten girl code. Fuck that code. What does it even help,  besides enhance the drama? Nothing.

I can't even do this. This is so ridiculous.

Anyway, the Robert Moses beach run 1 mile got changed due to "beach erosion". As if it hasn't been eroding for.. ever. It got changed to a 5K. I didn't do that bad, it was decent, first mile was slow. Beat Peter, he caught up, so I told him to set a pace and I was able to keep up. I'm pretty happy with that.

Other than that, I want my AP grades to come in already.

Ooh, and I learned more SAT vocabulary! I'm practically a zealot.

hope, writer's block

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