Dec 12, 2006 19:25
I feel empowered. So ok, going to Jiffy Lube isn't a BIG deal, but a) I've never gone by myself before, and b) Certainly have never been able to pay for what needs to be done before. The first time I tried to find my way in, I passed the garage and ended up at the next door car wash. Stopping by at my aunt's salon, which is in the same shopping center area, she said that if they were open late enough, she or Seth could take me over once they were home from work. PSH, fuck that. I tried going over again, and this time figured out where to turn into the garage. The people were actually really cool, not trying to screw me over or take advantage of my noob status. Luckily, the oil change was only $35, and then once the dude calculated other important stuff (oil filter, air filter, and fuel filter [which was the one that really pushed the price up]), it all came out to $130. Again, he was cool, he was like, "It's important stuff, it doesn't look like it's been changed in a long time [it hasn't, definitely not since my grandpas owned it over a decade ago, before it sat in our driveway for 8 or so years... my fucking parents...], so it needs to be done sooner rather than later, but we don't have to do it today." I didn't want to, not because I don't have the money but because I'd like to spend said money on Christmas gifts, but my mom said I got check from Don Pablos in the mail totaling about $100 (SHIT YEAH!), and since I need to take care of my baby Cohen [my car is important, without it I would really be screwed], I went for it. Even though my engine's still making bad gurgling noises that started up a few days ago and apparently I need to get looked at through a dealership, Cohen's in purdy good shape now.
BONUS! They vaccummed him out, or at least the surfaces they could get to since he was such a mess. So once I got back to the house, I cleaned my baby good. Even the goddamn hole of a trunk. Cohen's looking clean and shiny now... I think I'll even send him through a car wash tomorrow. It's Christmas, and he's worked hard all year.
I feel really independent, more than I ever have. All my parents pay for at this point is my car insurance (my cell phone, too, but I'm getting my own plan in the next couple weeks, so not for long), and my aunt and uncle pay for food sometimes, but I'm basically in charge of me in every respect. I pay for me, I go out when I want, I do what I want. I'm certainly not on my own, but I think this is as close as it gets without moving into my own place. It's pretty great.
So I feel good. Accomplished. NO, I didn't get my tetanus shot, which I'm sure Sean will make angry faces over, but I'll do it tomorrow after work. I got shit DONE, thank you. And I did it all between 5 and 7 p.m., not to mention with awesome looking curly short hair. I look fab and I kick ass.
good day,