I'm really, supremely bummed the party fizzled out before I got off work. I was all ready and jazzed about going. I really wanted to see people I haven't seen in a long time. And I actually ended up looking good. AND I got a pretty good gift on my lunch break. Oh well. I was gonna bring someone too. OOOOH well.
But otherwise, despite being a cRAZY busy day, I had a pretty good one. Chris, Jessi, and I closed. Chris is rapidly becoming one of my favorite people.
Anywho. I work tomorrow night, too. Chris P., Chris D., and I are closing (that shouldn't be confusing, HA). Should be kind of fun, if not a bit busy (Saturday night, what can you do...). 3-midnight. Come visit. DO IT. If we're not busy and a manager's not around, I'll give you a free drink. So come around 6ish, the rush usually comes earlier and then again around 8.
I seriously had trouble watching this. I'm not very squeamish normally, but double jointed-ness has officially risen into the ranks of Shit that Scares Me. It's right up there with Salad Fingers, Boobahs, and unibrows.