please read this, even if u don't comment i would really like to know you're opinion

May 05, 2005 16:01

I haven't really updated this in a while, because really, i never had anything interesting to right about, except today. Today the last 2 periods there was an assemply just for girls; to be the change we want to see in the world, or have equal rights as men. Which is understandable. The general assembly was alright, it covered a broad range of topics, to physical and emotinal abuse to sexual harrassment. Which was nice, but some people were having side converstaions which was getting on my last nerve.
Anyways, the after assembly, i thought was amamzing, i wish more people had gone because the girls there were just speaking their minds. Sometimes girls in class are scared or nervous to bring things up especially if there are guys in the room, some girls actually make themselves seem dumb, or they put themselves down just so guys could find them attractive, but i'm sorry its just not worth embarising you're self so a guy will find you attrcative.
Or when teachers ask ONLY the guys to move things for them, and when girls want to move something the teachers say "no" because its "too heavy" i mean c'mon now guys aren't the only strong people in the world, its not like the biggest heaviest thing in the world when they have to move a frigin box.
Alright, this next thing i'm about to say may sound contreversial, but some rap songs, its all about there "type" of girl or how they wanna sleep with girls and how so easy girls are, and these are the songs we sing in the halls and we dance to at our school dances and we blast when were driving in our cars, but its kind of like were letting people get away with bashing us. By the clothes we wear to the songs we listen to.
I think back now to how i didn't say much at that assembly and how i really wish i said some things. But anyways also, for what i was saying above, also some things are espically the media from TV/Movies to magazines, but seventeen was a bad choice. There are some really bad magazines out there,and we're actually letting guys read all this stuff or even ourselves on how to get the "perfect" body and how to get the man of you're dreams in just three easy steps.
I know to some people all this sounds like garbage or w/e but its really not, we can't keep lowering our selves for a guys pleasure so we can make him feel secure with himself, because we're just lowering our self confidence/esteem, and thats really not whats supossed be going on.
Women have fought so hard for so many years, and we'd still be back to the time when women wouldn't be able to vote if it weren't for women with strong opinins and strong voices, that HAD to be heard. If you think about it we have to be the voice of the future, i know youre probably thinking wtf, but its true we are. today we are the voice of tomorrow waiting to be heard.
i want to know everyones opinion on this, or if you'd like to add anything..don't be afraid i'm open to anything
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