Aug 31, 2005 23:01
Wow...I'm bored yet incredibly stressed out. Although the second week of school isn't even over yet, I feel like I should be doing a lot more work, writing all of my papers, doing research. Everytime my dad talks to me his quantitative and analytical brain makes a point to announce just how many weeks, days, hours, etc of school I have left until graduation. He's saying it to be optimistic and encouraging, but it really just freaks me out. This isn't a particularly hard semester as far as classes go. Lots of papers and such, but somehow with this being the culmination of my undergraduate career, all of this semester's deadlines seem more imminent.
On top of that, I hate applying for schools. I absolutely dread filling out all of those applications, sending in statements of purpose, etc...etc. Furthermore, searching for a history grad school program has got to be one of the most complicated decisions in the world. Hopefully, this neurotic personality of mine will drive me to annoy the everloving crap out of my professors until I can determine on a select number of schools to appeal to with obsequious applications. Obsequious...i like that word. It isn't likely that i'll be going to school in the south; they aren't that great in the field of European history. I feel like I need a divining rod to seek out that magical mentor whose focus is somewhere close to my own scholarly interests. I found this dude at Princeton whose specialty is Late Antiquity and early Middle Ages. He even does stuff on the Cult of Sainthood, something my DHON addressed. Unfortunately, he has no e-mail address and as far as I can determine he's older than dirt.
I need to pick up a hobby or exercise more, anything to keep my brain from spinning out of it's orbit. Sheesh, I probably need a boyfriend. They seem to be good at filling in time and providing entertainment or distractions. Hmmm...nah. Pizza...that sounds like a better idea. Sometime this weekend when I'm stranded in the apartment alone for days, I'm going to eat pizza and maybe go swimming. Or as a back up plan...go out of my mind.