Dear Reality, I HATE YOU...sincerely, Autumn

Apr 14, 2005 18:51

Your Linguistic Profile:

65% General American English
20% Dixie
10% Yankee
5% Midwestern
0% Upper Midwestern

What Kind of American English Do You Speak?

General American English? So, I'm just average...right? can't stereotype me! I should go into the secret service! Um probably not...considering that I can't gather correct directions to important places, such as a potential employers. Oh, and I also locked my keys in the Kia today. Good News? Kia is easy to break into, so WOOHOOO!!!

That and I got to appreciate the irony of getting lost on the way to applying for a tour guide position. Ah, such is life.

I think I took this lovely introduction to the real world well. That is until I talked to my mom and was swept under by the Mommy Conspiracy. Mothers have the power to make you emote at the least opportune times. I was fine...laughed it off...and then I heard mom's voice and the inner five year old took over the controls. It was a frustrating morning, but things could have been much worse. I could have blown a tire or wrecked.

But my soul was consoled by the IRS with a sweet check for my 2004 labors.

Oh, by the way. Chickamauga battlefield visitors' center has a room full of rifles. That's it just rifle after rifle lined up in cases. The oldest went back to the 17th century and the most recent was dated around 1902. The latter looked like an odd mutation of rifle and machine gun...interesting image of a changing world. Some rifles had wicked knives as their bayonets...WICKED!!!

I'm done.
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