Ah, memories

Mar 03, 2005 02:43

Things I've done that my lj friends probably haven't:
  1. Fallen into a "rushing" stream in Scotland...hey it led to a waterfall!! and I might have been pushed...
  2. Snorted Vodka!! (if someone has actually done this, then we should commiserate, or go on tour)
  3. Said goodbye to Texas by jumping from a friend's roof into their pool when I was in 5th grade...was an awfully spontaneous fat kid back in the day. 
  4. Ate McDonalds in a huge arch...was it in St. Louis?  Yeah, I don't know I was six, but I remember that McDonalds, weird. 
  5. Locked my friend and myself in a bathroom...in Hexham, Scotland...pushed locked door up and watched friend crawl under it to open it from the outside. 
  6. Locked my mom out of the house, while she was holding a hyper dog's leash, an arm full of firewood...oh, and did I mention it was snowing?  Yeah, I was evil.
  7. Sewn stitches into a pig's foot
  8. Seen a nursing school tape on taking rectal temperatures...*shudder*
  9. Drank enough wine to turn my tongue purple...please say this has happened to someone else, please? 
  10. Carried a small purse filled with a box of tampons (minus 1) to prom...they weren't mine 

Yeah, I'm not interesting so much as self-destructive apparently...ugh, rectal temperatures.  If I can come up with these lame excuses for my uniqueness, the rest of you probably have some really cool stuff.  I am likely the most bubbled ljournaler among us.

Should be doing DHON, but going to sleep instead.  Next week is for DHON.  Right now I'm going to take one last admiring glance at my Punisher Icon and say goodnight. 
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