Title: Fall Fandom: FFX Characters/Claim: Auron Theme+Number: 34. Fumbling/Clumsy Rating: G Warnings: Spoilers for whole game. Summary: Pride comes before the fall. For pyre_flies.
Title: Blitz Fandom: FFX Characters: Auron, Tidus Prompt: #25, Games Rating: G Warnings: None Summary: The boy is too hot-tempered, too much like his father. For ff_flashfic.
Title: Wizards in Winter Fandom: FFX Theme+Number: 19. Dawn in Winter Claim: Auron Rating: K+ Warnings: Spoilers. Summary: Had he been expecting it to be easier the second time around? Notes: Crossposted to irishais, pyre_flies.
Title: "Warp" Game: FFX Rating: K Warnings: Light spoilers. Summary: Auron hopes that Jecht is right about this... Crossposted to ff_drabble, pyre_flies.
Title: Rain Dances Fandom: FFX Theme+Number: 10. Rain in the Desert Rating: K Warnings: Serious spoilers for the end of the game. Summary: If it's not the rain keeping Auron awake, then what is it? Crossposted to pyre_flies and ff_drabble.