A Streak to Maintain

Aug 17, 2011 23:22

Title: A Streak to Maintain
Fandom: FFVIII
Rating: PG
Characters/Pairings: Seifer, Xu
Summary: He's gotten pretty good at this.
Notes: Pre-game gift-ficlet for summonerluna.

Balamb Academy's women's basketball team was the biggest pile of suck in the history of sucking, and for some tortured, masochistic reason that he couldn't explain, Seifer had yet to miss a game. It was probably the uniforms. Or the fact that it was one of the few sports that Xu actually played vaguely well. Not that he was paying attention. He was just here for the uniforms.

Also, it was an excuse to get away from his insufferably boring roommate.

Had he mentioned the uniforms? His attention wandered from the game (not hard), to the cadets sitting on the sidelines, retying shoes or cheering their teammates on. The score was a hopeless case-- he didn't know why they bothered to cheer. It wasn't like it helped them suck any less. He watched Trepe fix her absurdly long blonde ponytail for a few minutes before the ref's whistle caught his attention.

Somehow, Galbadia had managed to foul. The points wouldn't make a difference, but it was about damn time. He was beginning to think he'd have to go really crazy this game. Xu was approaching the free-throw line; even better.

A silence descended upon the gym, and Seifer waited as she studied the hoop like it was her next target. She would probably make it, he figured. In theory, anyway.

Xu dribbled once.

He waited, rising a little out of his seat.

She rocked forward onto the balls of her feet, the ball rolling to the tips of her fingers as she prepared to throw.

"HEY," Seifer yelled, launching himself off of the bench, "WANNA COME OVER FOR SOME TARGET PRACTICE?"

Xu stumbled forward, the ball slipping out of her hands. The ref whistled, and made angry gestures at Seifer. He'd become rather intimately familiar with those gestures-- he waved at the referee as he made his way out of the bleachers and toward the doors. Xu was glaring at him, the ball gripped tightly in her hands. Seifer blew her a kiss. Her eyes narrowed.

There was a faint whistling sound coming from behind him as he approached the gym doors, and he had just enough time to turn around, register that something round and orange was coming right for him, and think, This is really going to hurt, before the basketball hit him square in the face.

seifer, xu, ffviii

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