Gunslinger Girls

Jan 31, 2007 01:15

Fandom: Final Fantasy VIII
Pairing: FujinxXu
Warnings: Shoujo-ai.
Summary: They mostly exist in comfortable silence; Fujin's never been fond of needless chatter, and Xu's got issues about speaking her mind.

She’s in the firing range, decimating target after target with the single minded intensity of a woman scorned. Or a woman on PMS; Fujin hasn’t quite figured out which category Xu fits under yet. There’s Squall, bracing a shotgun against his shoulder and not paying attention to Irvine’s instructions on how not to screw up. They’ve occupied themselves at the far end of the range; for all intents and purposes, it might as well just be Fujin and Xu. Once the hearing protectors go on, everyone retreats into their own personal universes.

“NICE.” Xu probably can’t hear her as a bullet neatly gouges out her paper target’s left eye. Indeed, the brunette ignores her-where the next bullet strikes makes even Fujin wince. “MAD?”

“Go away, Fuj.”


Xu shakes her head and pretends to ignore Fujin, but Fujin has never been very good at being ignored. She waits until Xu has emptied the clip in her gun and then slides her arms around the other woman’s waist. There’s a too-long moment of awkward silence before Xu breaks the hold and turns to packing up her weaponry like it’s the most important thing in the world. Xu’s a hard woman to crack, but Fujin has already discovered the tricks.

It’s mostly patience, a quality that she has in bucket loads, thanks to years of dealing with new levels of irreparable stupidity in Raijin and Seifer. To the day, Fujin is still amazed she made it through the entirety of the war without killing either of them from sheer frustration.

Xu is different-she’s smart as a whip, efficient and a little distant. Most of their relationship so far has been spent in comfortable silence, something Fujin is only too happy to accommodate. She isn’t really fond of unnecessary chatter. She likes the quiet, but she’ll listen to Xu talk any day of the week.


Xu sighs and snaps shut the case. She’s probably still mad that Fujin’s going on a mission tomorrow. It’s going to last a month, and Xu has never been very good at long distance relationships. She won’t tell Fujin not to go, though. Xu’s too much of a Garden girl to ignore a direct mission order. She will just have to deal with it.


“I know. It’s just...” Xu’s shoulders slump and Fujin gives into the urge to hug her. She does so, briefly. She still isn’t quite used to the idea that a human could need to be in such close proximity to another, but she has been trying.

Xu hugs her back and mutters something into Fujin’s silver hair. It could have been I’ll miss you, but knowing Xu, it could have been Let’s get lunch. They’ve both got their flaws-Fujin hates needless chatter and Xu doesn’t like to say what’s on her mind. They work well together.

She twines her fingers loosely through Xu’s as they exit the range and gives her hand a squeeze. Fujin has never expected to get “forever” out of this, but it’s good enough for now.

fujin/xu, ffviii

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