Way I See It

Nov 28, 2007 11:31

Title: Way I See It
Fandom: Firefly
Characters: Mal
Rating: PG
Warnings: None
Summary: There ain't no black and white in the war.

way i see it

There ain't no black and white in a war. There's a whole mess of grey area that they don't tell you about during basic; they just give you a gun and show you which end is for shootin' and which end is for holdin'. They also might tell you that there's an "us" and a "them," and the end that the bullets come out is supposed to point toward anyone not "us."

Truth is, things can get awful muddled in all that grey that they conveniently forget to tell you about. Sometimes, you lose sight of the "us" and the "them," and you just gotta keep going on through until you wind up makin' peace with whatever dear and fluffy lord you happen to believe in. God of foxholes, that's the one. Not that there's a real good and proper place for a god on the battlefield, 'less it's one of those old Earth That Was ones that happened to like a lot of blood lettin' and screamin' and suchlike.

There ain't no black, and there ain't no white. There's a hell of a lot of red, though, and you don't think a man can bleed so much until you're standing in a puddle of it and lookin' at a corpse instead of the private you were orderin' about not three seconds ago. There's a hell of a lot of red.

'Course, you manage to come out of a war relatively intact, there ain't much black and white in the real world either, and don't tell me you weren't expectin' that, unless you live on a Core planet. You know, where everyone's smilin' cause they're rich and happy. Mostly 'cause they're rich. Coin don't make a man happy, 'less he's got some place real good to spend it, and there ain't much good in the world left to spend coin on.

Way I see it, coin keeps the ship runnin', and as long as the ship's runnin', that's good enough. There ain't no black and white out in space. There's just the black, and there's a whole mess of grey that the Alliance don't want you to know about.

Course, you listen to the doc's moonbrained sister, you might find out that there's a little bit of blue there, too.

mal, firefly

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