
Aug 10, 2007 21:50

Title: Trigger
Fandom: Firefly
Characters: Jayne, Simon
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: None
Summary: Target practice.

"Y'aim square at where ya want to hit. It ain't that hard. Just gotta pull the trigger real easy-like, and bam, Alliance dust." Jayne glances up from loading his weapon, that behemoth of a gun he calls Vera. "Metaphorically speakin' and all that."

"I'm not looking to kill any Alliance."

Jayne smiles, a real beast of a grin that makes Simon's stomach churn vaguely. "Sure you don't. Not after what they did to your sister an' all. 'Course you wanna keep 'em alive." He levels Vera against his shoulder, sights down the barrel and fires. The haystack lets out a little poof of smoke and straw. Simon almost feels envious, because Jayne can kill so callously, so carelessly. So...easily.

The doctor hefts the weight of the small pistol in his hand and glances at the bale.

"Well, it ain't gonna shoot itself, if that's what you're waiting for."

He isn't. Simon lifts the gun, braces it steady with his other hand, and squeezes one eye shut, lining up his target. Apply careful pressure to the trigger; it's not sensitive, Jayne says. He'll have to give it a little force to make it fire--according to the big merc, this means that Simon isn't going to go shooting anyone who he doesn't actually mean to shoot.

It's a shame, really. He'd like to accidentally shoot Jayne. Of course, then he would have to explain what had happened to Captain Reynolds, and Simon has never been the best liar.

The gun recoils in his hand before Simon realizes that he has pulled the trigger back all the way. The explosion that accompanies the recoil is much quieter than he had anticipated. He stumbles back half a step to keep his balance.

"Not bad." Jayne nods at the hay. Simon has missed the impact; he'll have to take Jayne's word for it. It isn't something he's quite comfortable doing. "We might be able to use you in a fight one of these days. Take a couple of those Alliance bastards down with you."

"I'm not looking to kill anyone," Simon repeats.

This time Jayne chuckles, a gruff, one-beat sound that means he thinks Simon's completely full of gou shi. "Says you."

The gun is cold and heavy in Simon's hand, and he hefts it up again, bracing his feet apart and drawing a sight on the target. Jayne watches idly, like the doctor is simply some vaguely interesting wave that he's happened to catch.

Pull the trigger real easy-like...

simon, jayne, firefly

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