[locked from all but Mike]
I’m a genius.
And I ain’t being conceited when I say that...I’m talking actual article. Like Einstein genius. Like Stephen Hawking genius. Like they couldn’t score my IQ as a kid and *still* can’t, technically speaking. Like my adult score still ain’t under 200. Real-life genius.
And yeah, I lie my head off about it. I don’t talk about it, I don’t say it...and I sure don’t write it down. It’s that damn cat, y’know? Schroedinger’s...nothing’s real unless perceived? You write it, you see it...and it’s real.
See, back in the day there was this dude, William James Sidis...childhood IQ topped around 250, if memory serves, adult IQ was still way the fuck up there. Anyway, guy’s parents made him take it to the limit, y’know? Graduated Harvard when he was sixteen, taught, the whole thing. Then when he grew up? Cut the world off...swept floors for a living and published shit either on the down low or not at all. Wrote a buttload, though, and most of his stuff’s been lost. He only has a handful of stuff that survived...man was rockin’ the black hole theories before Hawking’s parents were even *born.*
See, Billy Boy was a student of Native American cultures, and the ones he took a shine to believed that one’s contribution to society should be anonymous. Now me? I’m totally down with that...but at what price virtue, y’know? Sidis...him ‘n me got a lot in common, ‘cept for the well off professor ‘rents and shit. I grew up on the streets...but I’ve known what I am all my life. Sidis sacrificed his gifts in the name of bein’ a brat. He was a brain and everyone knew it, so when he dropped out? It made the news.
A life lived in obscurity is cool beans, but anonymity to the point of notoriety is just bullshit, man.
I read my first psychology books when I was in kindergarten...some of the stuff was a little over my head, but I understood IQ, and I knew mine was up there. I also knew if Ma and Da knew, they’d try to give me all the “advantages” a genius should have.
I never asked to be smart...but I am. And I know it’s a hardcore responsibility, but it ain’t one I want. Still...I got it, and I gotta do *something* with it.
So I do nothing.
Well...not *exactly* nothing. Motherfuckers don’t know, but I do my own thing. I write and record music under a pseudonym, do some research work the same way. Hell, McKay was talkin’ about this theological paper the other day? Read it a few years back, an analysis on the application of Shroedinger’s Cat to the existence of a god? I wrote the damn thing. Beckett’s using a run of drugs in his Wraith retrovirus program that *I* developed.
I’m smart...and I like being smart sometimes. I like that I can do some pretty cool stuff. But I live a normal life...I *enjoy* my abilities, and I don’t hold out on anyone when it comes to helping out with what I can do. Do no harm and all that...and that right there encompasses *exactly* where my head’s at.
I’m a doctor. But people forget that. And I like it that way.
Quality of life and effecting change in the world at large is more important to me than proving a point, or dissecting the goddamn ethics and morality of being a brain.
Bottom line? A happy geek is a productive geek, and as long as said geek is a relatively good guy? That pays off for everyone in the end.
Muse: Maj. Jim Riley
Fandom: Stargate: Atlantis/SG1
Words: 625