"How can you laugh, when you know im down"

Nov 04, 2004 17:07

Today i had to wake up at 5 AM to register for my classes for next semester...NOT FUN. Especially because i was up all night, and i was trying to study for computer information systems. I don't think i did well on that test. Ugh thats like the one class i have a A+ in. Bummerrr. Tomorrow i have a bitch of a math midterm. AND I HAVEEEEE TO PASS this one or i'm DEAD cuz i failed the last midterm haha totally left questions blank, and the teacher will drop the lowest, so yay for that. Other than that my grades have been improving in my classes. Which is good. Máire came to manhattan todayyy, she was taking a tour, and then she came to see me, she couldnt stay long though cuz i had class, but it was nice to see her. She's a good kid.
Things here really haven't changed at all..no parties...no socail events..no nothing. And everyone goes home EVERY weekend. I only do cuz umm yeah DONT WANNA BE THE ONLY ONE ON MY FLOOR.. not fun at all.
Geri is picking me up tomorrow round 3 ishh..i think...and were gonna go grab something to eat, then shes taking me homee! Ahh can't wait. I spend all day friday with maureen =D! And then on saturday is Paul's confirmation, and im his sponser, and i need to get him something ahhh.
People who think their smart and know everything and have to comment on everything and ARE NOT FUNNY
Are pathetic little fucks who are disgustingly egotistical and should learn how to
cuz no one likes you. ANddddddddddd thats it.

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