Viva La Dance Dance Revolution

Jun 29, 2006 10:28

A little late, but I spent a lot of time writing it over a few days.

Ava threw a DDR/ITG tournament last weekend. Wonder of wonders, I got Karen to come with me and she had a good time.

songohanx, ruzy, almost_echo, and I left in Watermelon Car a little after 7:00 apparently. Karen and Ruzy both had to stay at work a little longer than they should have, but it all worked out okay. We were making decent progress, but I slowly started to realize that I had taken these roads before... the time it took Tripp and I 8 hours to make a 4 hour drive to Clemson. Oh well, maybe it won't be so bad.

Everybody is hungry and we decide to stop for food. Oh, look, a Hardee's. I want to try their new Philly Cheese Steak Thick Burger and grab a ZOMGSHAKE. Ruzy pointed out that Hardee's always blows ass when we stop there en route to a tournament. An hour later we had to agree. The food - except Karen's burger - was all good, but they're so fucking slow. Gah.

There was a lot of rain on and off for most of the rest of the trip and some amazing lightning. I love watching storms with Karen, but it sucks having to pay attention to the road while you're trying to enjoy a storm.

We eventually got to Northcross and played some DDR and ITG and hung out with folks. I got 2 on Stoic and felt pretty awesome. The left pad on the DDR machine was practically unplayable and the right side of the ITG machine was even worse. I'm really glad NX took the time to fix the pads like they kept saying they would. SGX and I fixed them mid-tourney the following day.

ftahdr's house for the night with hurtpiggypig, jboyxz, Sakky, Karen, Ruzy, SGX, fep_roflwaffle and nonameunknown. Mayhem with darts that got lost forever over and over again, Drummania, StepMania, iShower, and general insanity. It was great. Dennis somehow misheard me say, "I have no ass," and thought someone said, "Irish has no penis." The room was amazingly quick to correct him lol. I slept on the floor with Karen and she wrote/drew on me the next morning with her fingernails. I had "Hi, Dennis!" on my back and "Good Morning" on my stomach.

Tournament started on time. I call bullshit.

DDR High Heavy
I seeded in the middle because I decided to suck at Gamelan Shuffle.

1st Match - Fep
Broken My Heart - 4-1-1-1 (him) to 4-0-1-1 (me). The Boo was the pad being a piece, 2 Greats and the Miss were from me tripping in a Step-Jump-Step. My pick, my win.
Trip Machine ~Luv Mix~ - 1 (him) to 11 (me). I improved by 2, but this was a terrible run largely due to me not being able to see the screen. Fucking lights. His pick, his win.
Sync Heavy - 1 (him) to AAA (me). I had 2 and a Good on this, he's AAA'ed it before. Random, my win. I was so incredibly excited and celebrated with everyone.

Outstanding match, Fep.

2nd Match - DJ Sterf
Stoic - 7 to I had 6 pad misses before the jumps and got angry and quit. Espescially since I'm so consistent on it and got 2 the night before (on the other side). My pick, I didn't really play.
Paranoia Survivor - 17 to 67 and 15 Pad Misses. I have 37 FC on this and didn't expect to win, but I wish the pad had worked at some point during my match.

I asked if he'd be willing to give me a rematch after working on the pads and he declined. Can't blame him really, and I feel kind of rude even asking thinking back on it. I just wish I could have actually had a match with him. Sterf, you were still amazing.

SGX and I fixed the fucking pad because NX blows ass.

3rd Match - Mark
Rain of Sorrow - 10 to 17. I have 4 on this. His pick, his win. I'm a moron.
DXY! - 8 to 5. My best was 7, all 5 of my greats were exceptionally stupid. My pick, my win.
Kind Lady - 7-0-0-11 to 3. I have no idea what the hell he was doing, but I was the one playing on the side that I played Sterf on. Random, my win (2 DP improvement, but still stupid Greats).

4th Match - SonGohanX
End of the Century - 7 to 17. I have 7 on this and am incredibly consistent on it. Of course I'll get 17 when I pick it in a tournament. My pick, his win.
It's Raining Men - 6 to AAA. TSSF gets new AAA's in tournaments. His pick, his win. Nice job, Justin.

Oh well. I think I surprised a lot of people.

ITG Expert
I seeded third - behind Brendino and Darksyde. WTF?

1st Match - Bye
Haha, I didn't have to play.

2nd Match - Fep (Again)
Monolith - Seeing as in Fep has nearly ***'ed this and I haven't broken 90 on it, I decided to solve my Rubik's Cube while he played. His pick, his win.
Turn it On - I picked 6x instead of 5x because I don't know how to Option Menu. 720 BPM is slightly outside my comfort zone - at least when I'm expecting 600 BPM. I FEC'ed the majority of the song but picked up 2 Greats and 2 Way Offs towards the end. I have a 98.86 on this, but was too busy being an idiot to win that pick. My pick, his win.

3rd Match - Mark (Again)
I don't remember what I picked, but I won by a lot.
He picked Kagami and I won by a lot.

4th Match - Ruzy
Mellow - 25 Excellents to 6 Excellents, 2 pad Way Offs, 1 pad Miss, and 1 legit Miss. (Pads were not amazing). We called it a tie and I was fine with that since he's 100%'ed it before. His pick, tie.
Robotix - I got lots of Fantastics in the fast part and he failed. I had midteen Greats, but I only had to clear it since he failed. My pick, my win.
The Beginning - I can't get Fantastics right now to 92.xx. I got a 93.xx on this song on a terrible run at Louie's and didn't break 92 in a tournament. WTF is wrong with me. Random, his win.
Hardcore Symphony - Ruzy: I can't clear that right now. I used the last of my energy to beat you on The Beginning. Good match. Random, my win and I take the match.

Ruzy, that was incredible.

5th Match - Jboy
Don't Promise Me ~Happiness Mix~ or something. Jboy: "Something on Hard, that you don't play, with tempo changes that you don't know. My best shot at beating you." It worked.
Da Roots - I have Jboy beat on this and I'm pretty consistent on it. Way to screw it up and lose.

Part of why I respect you as a tournament player is that you play to your opponent's weakness instead of exclusively to your own strength. Strategy is key, can't wait for a rematch.

Well hell, I got fifth. Brendino, Darksyde, Fep, Jboy, Irish... I'm okay with that, but I should have beaten Jboy. :P Again, a lot of people were surprisde by my performance. I randomly got a lot better and nobody had really seen it until this tournament - aside from Ruzy and SGX.

Things finally wound down and we got out of there. Denny's was terrible - as per the standard in NC. The food seemed to be fine, it's just the service and paying and leaving that they just never seem to be able to get right. Oh yeah, and bringing all of the food - or even making it - would be a good place to start on improving the quality of any given restaurant in NC.

Got back to Ftahdr's and immediately grabbed another iShower. People continued to ask about the amazing spots I have all over my chest and stomach (which are now clearing up) and there was Gordo madness and lesbians and brownies and Lost Forever Darts and grabbing stuff off the ceiling (like Lost Forever Darts) and getting the futon.

We got up early so we could get back early so Karen could go to work. Rain was weird and unpredictable the whole way back. We would literally get poured on for 10 seconds and then nothing and other such nonsense.

We stopped by Columbia for Zaxby's and Naruto Sucks and harassing Putt-Putt, but who's open at 11:50 AM? Not Putt-Putt.

We got back and Karen had to bolt for work being told when she got there that they were closing because of the rain and what not. I hate Ocean Lakes so much. They constantly do crap like this to her and can never be bothered to call her and let her know she doesn't need to come in. We could have stayed in Charlotte most of the day if they didn't need her at work. Asses.

Ruzy, SGX, Chris and I went to Buffalo Wild Wings and it was pretty okay.

King of Fighter XI is absurd.

itg, road trip, games, tournament, ddr, charlotte, nc

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