Sep 27, 2005 17:16
Gather people and luggage. Check.
Leave for AWA. Check.
Stop at Wendy's. Check.
Get $40 worth of gas. Check.
Get on I-85. Check.
Break down 5 seconds later. Check.
:'(Blazer Stuff
Apparently the bottom fell out of my engine. I can get a new engine for about $3500, or a used engine for $1500-1800. But really, I want to get rid of the damn thing. I can probably get about $1000 for it at a salvage yard, or I can get an engine put in and trade it for about $2000, or try to sell it for around $4000. Then there's the few decent things in Myrtle Beach... Apparently there's a used car dealership that will give you a $2500 trade-in on anything you drive, push, pull, drag, or tow in. It would cost about $800 for me to get it towed down there, so I may well be looking into that. But for now I have no car and that kind of sucks. Going home Thursday night with Tara so I can do some car shopping and what not.AWA Stuff
After getting my car towed and getting picked up by Meltar's roommate, we got stuff in Thomas' car and started the AWA trek over again. The trip was pretty good and I got to talk to Thomas about a bunch of assorted stuff for two hours, so no complaints there. We got to the con and quickly found Karen <3. She had this gorgeous EGL outfit on with purple and black striped stockings. I'm not enough of a linguist or poet to describe how incredible she looked or how great it was to see her again.
I found Alex, John, and Lokipunk shortly thereafter with all the 4channers and had a good time hanging out with all that craziness for awhile. Found Vile, Discoman, DF2K, Marcus, Wertle, Jessica and a whole slew of other DDR players up in the game room sooner or later. It's always fun to see my DDR friends, because they rock on a very large scale. Adventures, artist alley, hanging out, etc. Not a bad Friday night; especially since we didn't have to pay for any of it.
Saturday the cosplayers were out in full swing. I bore witness to some of the most amazing costumes I've ever seen, and, of course, some of the most horrid atrocities ever brought against mankind in a vicious attempt to kill people by eye-bleeding. I actually got to go to the dealer's room and picked up some cool stuff. I almost bought a One Piece flag, but then found out it was $40 and I just wasn't willing to pay that much for it. I wound up with a couple of awesome T-shirts and didn't burn through all my money.
There was also an ITG setup in the dealer's room. I played with some random scrub who thought it was cool to be bad at improv freestyling Easy songs songs that are 11s or 12s on Expert. Kyle Ward actually ran over to us when he picked July and warned us to not play it on Expert because it was "really hard." I put it on 3x, grabbed a chair, sat Alex in it, and made about a dozen people wet themselves. It was hilarious. Kyle Ward (who shall be referred to by his full name because it seems odd not to) gave me props for even playing an 11 and then we talked about random ITG stuff for awhile. I thanked him for 4x and Alex and I made fun of Chris Foy's step charts and we all had a good laugh. We also caught a short Yoko Ishida concert which was pretty good.
Sometime earlier in the day I had seeded fourth in the DDR Tourney of Shitty Rules and Poor Scheduling that they hold annually. I won't get into all the bullshit but I finished fifth and won free entry to next year's DDR Tourney of Hopefully Better Rules but Probably Still Shitty Scheduling (I'm hoping that Discoman will be in charge next year, but I doubt he can make the earlier tournaments not run 2.5 hours late). Psyton also came back to the con for the DDR tourney so I got to see him again and that was cool.
We saw Advent Children later in the evening. Of course by saw, I mean the sub-titles were so low on the screen that I couldn't even see most of them due to people in front of me in the showing room and everyone else on my row was pretty much out of luck. There was also a really annoying drunk guy in the row in front of us. Eventually we moved to the far left side of the theater and had people sitting atop the arm rests and such to actually see and not obscure other people's views. Towards the end, the annoying drunk guy threw up all over himself, and it reeked. I'm really glad we moved because I can't even imagine how bad it would have been if we were still only 4 feet from him instead of 25. Karen's contacts were killing her eyes throughout most of the movie and I felt really bad because I thought she was just upset about something. When we got back to the hotel she took them out and put on her glasses (which she looked adorable in, despite what she says to the contrary) everything was good again.
I'm glad I went, I had a good time. I'll probably go next year and hopefully it will be less trouble getting there.School Stuff
Fucked up (see: missed a key detail in the specifications of the program we had to write) and got an 83 on my CPSC 215 exam. Still a B, and I still have A's on the rest of my work in there and lab so I'm not too worried. I just hate that I get bad grades on stuff I know because I don't read instructions closely enough.
road trip,