Happy birthday, Terreh!
So I'm talking to people online, encoding some videos, when the old hunger strikes... I ask Meltar if I should get an apple or an orange seek out a wise and learned adventurer from days long past. A person who can help me with such a daring feat as quelling this pain, this need. It was late My quest began at 1:14 AM.
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Shadox: ohsnapswearen'tgoingtostartthisarewe?>_<
Shadox: iwouldsowriteallmyschoolpaperslikethisifitwasn'tforthefactthati'dhavetowritelike50%more-=
Shadox: =\*
Irish the Dearg: hahahaha
Irish the Dearg: true, but let's not start
Irish the Dearg: I'm writing a story ^^
Shadox: okaywecan not start
Shadox: You're writing a story?
Shadox: for fun? pleasure? sex? school?
Shadox: yiff?
Irish the Dearg: for awesome!
Shadox: what kind of story?
Shadox: yiff?
Irish the Dearg: it's about the orange lol
Shadox: ?
Irish the Dearg: hahahaha
Irish the Dearg: ask Meltar
Shadox: All she said was
Shadox: you were fighting with an orange for like half an hour
Shadox: She sucks at relaying good details
Irish the Dearg: hahahaha
Irish the Dearg: that's about it
Shadox: ...
Shadox: "omgifoughtwiththisstupidorangeforlikehalfanhourbutiwon"
Shadox: "theend"
Irish the Dearg: lol
Shadox: "psiloveyouguyskthxlaterdaysisleptwithyourmomlolz"
Irish the Dearg: lolandersonlol
Shadox: I should write your story for you
Shadox: Because I clearly am awesome at awesome
Irish the Dearg: :'(
Shadox: lolol
Shadox: :'( at my comment?
Irish the Dearg: yes
Irish the Dearg: defeat :'(
Shadox: hehehe
Shadox: Even if you "won" I still think you lost because it took you half an hour to win
Shadox: how is it possible to have that much trouble?
Irish the Dearg: ITWAS!
Shadox: I can peel an orange with like my bare hands in like 2 minutes
Shadox: Maybe I am just awesome at oranges.
Irish the Dearg: lies and deception!
Shadox: We should have an orange peeling battle
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