I feel really icky right now. Might be lack of sleep, but that peanut butter sandwich is just not settling.
Today is my last day before summer school starts. I'm really, really not looking forward to it.
Um, at all.
Last night I entered a Paint Only contest at the last second. It wasn't a great picture (well, I was using Paint) but I'm rather proud of my little house silhouette.
See, it's not that fantastic. Had fun playing with Paint effects though. Thank you, Chase, for being such a freakish computer geek and showing me the way.
For the record, this was based on a 100-word poem I entered into another contest, although the words aren't supposed to be legible. The poem itself was inspired by my real life love of sitting on my rooftop, especially in Spring, and looking out at the fields, the forest beyond, and the pond that I know lies in the middle of it. The pond isn't as huge as I make it out to be in the picture ;).
If you actually want to know what I wrote:
Late on a Sunday, sleep escapes me.
I sit on my rooftop and breathe in the night sky,
The air of fresh nocturnal rain enveloping me until I am almost overcome.
And as the stars twinkle through the clouds,
I know some are being born anew.
Born as the plants and trees before me,
Their leaves stretching through the buds.
Born as the river that I know lies beyond the trees,
Breaking through the thin sheet of ice above.
And as I watch the rosebuds slowly come to be just roses,
I know that I, too, can be born anew.