
Jul 16, 2007 00:21

So I havn;t posted in ages bla bla bla
Just feeling a bit meh and wantd to rant really.
So the beginning of the year I was begining to think oh I want to make something of this summer and plan a cool trip but once again I have the problem of who can I go on hols with. So knux says to me hey what are you doing this summer.. which led into us planning holiday..which led to the teneirfe messyness and her pulling out of what would have been a really fun italy trip.
so feeling bummed about not getting a travelling fun adventure trip i was happy with the shannon trip for the time.
then with that over i manage to get a little job, not much but its somehting at least... so not gettign much money really..
there was a spain trip in the tramp talks but i wasnm't too pushed, then i got my mind persauded and then well another let down pretty much.. and annoying as before that i wasn't bothered and now i am, i could still go but it doesn't seem worth it.
there were talks of weekend but no plans made so in my mind its all crap.
i only wish i had the money to visit my pals over in canada for the summer as that'd be savage.. but yet again lack of funds... yet somehow i seem to think i could afford a trip at all, i don't know, well i probably would
but anyways major and my legs wreck from the first night out of the summer in dublin (its mid july aswell)
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