Sat, 15:55: @ Kkate_suena has me all hung up about Canada <3 equally rambling email waiting for you, babe.
Sat, 16:01: Ah four o'clock. I always like this time of day.
Sat, 17:08: RT @ ROBLOVE146: For the next 36 hours, 10 cents will be donated to Love146 for every tweet using hashtag #weareallhuman. Please RT to pr ...
Sat, 17:33: "2/3 Marriages end in divorce" R : No they don't! lulz at the ever present marriage enforcer.
Sat, 17:49: "Anything is possible if you just believe" OHAI Cinderella Story reference.
Sat, 18:16: K going out. Good luck to x facotr tonight, let's how you fair without @ Evalola80 and myself. *scoffs*