This person should be fired

May 14, 2021 20:25

Personally I don't care. If you want to wear, wear mask. If you don't want to wear a mask, don't a mask.

It's generally very difficult to eat with a mask on, and in the video it appears that while he was not wearing a mask properly, it did appear that he had a mask underneath his chin, which is how most people wear one when they are not using it.

But as some one who was bullied for most of my public school career, and having not a single teacher really do anything about it, even when it occurred class, or when one teacher singled me out and belittled me every time she was a guest in my class, this reprehensible.

This woman should be fired. As in she should lose her job, and never be involved in childcare or teaching again. Ever.

Bullying happens with kiddos, it's a fact of life. But a teacher should never violate the trust that students place in them in this matter ever.

She violated that trust.

Articles from Channel 21: Teacher placed on leave after viral video appears to show her condemning student Poynette teacher placed on leave after viral video appears to show her condemning student has a link to a longer version of the video.
National File: A teacher at a school in Poynette, Wisconsin, has been placed on administrative leave, after a video of her berating a student for not wearing a mask at lunch went viral. This one actually has the video on it.

You can go here to to access both videos.

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year: 2021, daily journal entry, in the news, reflection

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