In the workplace I really know I'm Transgendered

Apr 29, 2008 08:56

Overall I'm really happy to be returning to the Educational's the right thing to do...However it does mean fairly orthodox presentation....and in my case orthodox male presentation.....which is ok for a short time....but long term deeply disturbs me...that's when I loose doubts about my T-S identity....The concept of a lifetime in such mode seems....and always did seem close to an impossible burden...from my late teens I used to wonder how I was going to manage it ..I hoped that I'd find a way.....I didn't.

I'll do it for now....and probably for a few years until I hopefuly undergo change.....But it can only be for a few more years....I can't do it for the rest of my life.

Yeah Loribee ...while there is far more to a gender than order for me to have confidence in myself on a social level...I need to look as I am comfortable...looking very obviously like a birth male isn't something that I could ever be comfortable with. Your right in the sense that ideally we should be comfortable with ourselves, regardless of how we look.....But society does judge a lot on appearance...sadly  far too much....but that is regretably the world we live in...books are often judged by their cover....and there's no doubt that a reasonable appearance will make social interaction easier. I don't mind being known as a Transsexual....I'm very much out as Transgendered now anyway...90% of people who know me know of my feelings..I don't mind anybody I believe that I have a right to be who I do others....but I want to be a successful Transsexual...not a figure of pity or ridicule....(even though I can handle both)...but a Transsexual who succeeds....and yeah looks are an indelible part of my self image....and poor looks would mean poor self image... Success I define as accomplishing some of what I want to in life.....and therefore feel fulfilled. I believe that I can.

I don't have lot's of money.....I'll just have to try to manage it better over the next few years...and take some chances to earn when they come....hopefuly I'll get there....I know I want much.
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