Dec 03, 2004 23:29
Opps my abd but its not liek thsi journal is really important to me so w/e....
Anyways ummm wednesday we had off so on tuesday i met up with tim and we walked around n shit then we went to brents house to get him and walk around we went to guitar factory and we walekd around the southgate for a bit then we went to see if christain was home but he wasnt and then we visited eric for a whle and on the way abck to the south gate me n tim started our I-T thing lol its a never ending game between me n him and i will never end lol but yeah i was it and then he jumped over this thing so u couldnt tag him and he triped and fell it looked like it hurt liek a bitch i felt bad and now he has this big cut on his elbo it was sick lol awww im sorry tim! but yeah then i left at liek 9:30ish. Oh yeha and tim made up a song about me its about me being a whore from east and i whore on wednesdays when its raining and smells like gas lol idk ask him.
On wednesday i went to the mall with tom and eric it was pretty interesting...eric got suckered into buying this one girl a gift and he had to get it from victorias secret were they sell like the sents not the underwear lol but he was afriad to go in and they were both being pussys so they sent me in to get the stuff lol but it came in a pink shiny bag hahaha and when eric went home he had to carry it wanna know what his parents said when he came in with it lol ill find out one day. but yeah and then i went to tims house for a while and then my dad picked me up. but yeah it was good times.
Im really bored and i have to do my english project. I gave up on the music thing that i could of done and im jsut gunna do the essay. hmm but yeha im reading this book its pretty funny its called napalm and sillyputty by george carlin good book.
hmm well im bored so im gunna go laterz!