Something to think about...

Apr 07, 2006 08:37

OK so I've been reading things lately on the community ohnotheydidnt about Mandisa from American Idol being homophobic.  I don't believe she is.  Recently there was an interiew in The Advocate asking about her veiws on homosexuality.  You can find the interview here and also the ongoing debate over is she homophbic or not by clicking here:   I wrote a response to all the people who are saying that its 2006 and no one should be homophobic.  If you don't want to scan through all the comments I'll post it here behind a cut.

Let me just say that I love the people that are like "It's 2006, no one should be homophobic!" Women have been around since well whenever you belive humans were first here and yet there is still sexism. Same for black people, but there is still racism.

Now I haven't done my research to find out who was the first openly gay person on this earth, but for most people, openly gay men and women have only been around for less than half a century. Unfortuantley its a fact of this country, no matter how many gay ppl there are, theres always going to be someone who is against them in some way or another.

And as much as I would like to beat the people who are racist, sexist and homophobic, I just ignore them and go on with my life, b/c you can't change their minds. And as for the comment that she wouldn't be comfortable performing at a gay event, personally as a white Catholic person I wouldn't be comfortable performing at a KKK event, but that doesn't mean I hate the KKK, I don't condone what they do or what they teach but I certainly don't hate them.
Now you can agree with what I say or completlye disagree.  As long as you have valid arguments I won't get upset.  feel free to comment about this...
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