does ANYONE BUT ME see the irony?
"DO post about this in your own LJ.
DO post and comment about it in appropriate communities.
DO feel free to friend me for updates, and defriend when the strike is over.
DON'T forget to get permission from community mods before making an off-topic post or comment about the strike.
DON'T be spammy with your posts or comments about the strike."
what? I NEED pemission to post now? what, *giggles* do we live in COMMUNIST RUSSIA now?
seriously tho- if you have a problem with lj- then stop using it. it's like complaining how AWFUL mcdonald's is, and then going there for lunch. it's like the whole gas boycott- sadly- we all need gasoline for our cars to get around. yes, we depend on it. but if we dont buy gas ONE DAY- it wont matter to the oil companies- cause guess what? you'll be buying it the next day... if you have the means- then get a hybrid or one of them 'lectric cars. hell- learn to TELEPORT.
hmmmm. mcdonald's for lunch sounds GOOD! i could even organize an ANTI-LJ-BOYCOTT rally/meetup at mcdonald's today and we can spam the hell out of the protestors.... AND eat meat at the same time! hell! let's show up in SEALSKIN BOOTS and FUR JACKETS!