Book Title:Half Assed
Author:Jeanette Fulda
Genre:Memoir, weight loss
My rating of the book, F- [worst] to A+ [best]: A The author of this book lost 200 pounds, half her starting body weight, with the motto of 'nothing too crazy' and basic common sense. She is witty and funny--always able to laugh at herself (and others), not mean, cruel, or anti-fat. I consistently laughed throughout the book, and am now reading through her blog archives on her site. I could definitely relate to her backwards anorexia (instead of looking in a mirror and seeing fat when there isn't any, I look in the mirror and see a skinny person). I loved that she didn't tout the 'if I can do this, anyone can'. I'm looking forward to her next book due to come out in February, "Chocolate and Vicoden".