as of this afternoon, birthday money amounts to 16000 pesos. joy, i am treating you to starbucks. lord knows we've been wanting some coffee since we got into college, even when all we could afford were the bente meals from burger king. ^-^
and then maybe i'll sell my 8250 (or trade it in) for an 8310. for absolutely useless reasons. the 8250 has got to be the strangest phone i've ever encountered. for all the modern hype it has the software of a 3210. lame. anyway....
and i am getting that sound system if it kills me. yes, kill me. hell. and then i'm going to rent out all the vcds in video city (what? it's only 15 bucks). and i will watch "she's all that" ten times with sis heart. because we love each other to bitty bits and only because freddie prinze jr is so cute.
J's girlfriend gave birth last Friday to a bouncing baby boy they decided to name andrei justyn. and then J told me he wanted me to act as godmother to his kid. considering all the weird stuff i went through with HIS family i went "Hoooe??". but then again i suppose it's not so bad. *shrug*
also watched "the core" last friday. reminded me of... well, every other end of the world movie i've seen so far. but then there was this character there that really got my attention. his exposure was none more than that of a bit part but he was cool. his name was rat and he was a hacker. he was played by that guy from "The New Guy". so he's not really that bishounen. i recalll jim hawkins from "treasure planet" wasn't, either, but then again i liked him, too, didn't i? something very attractive about brainy, technologically savvy men. yeah. their kung fu is too strong. ^-^
saw nonoy today at my little sister's bash. *swoon*. another brainy guy. so brainy in fact that it's impossible to snag him. michelle told me that the guy is in love with his books. that bites. really.
am going to take out the peoples on friday. anyone who wants to tag along can meet us in greenbelt. that means you,
oneesama, but if you're really not up to it, that's ok too, as long as you send me reni in a birthday cake. heh.
all i've been doing is sleep and eat and watch tv and sleep some more and eat some more over and over each day. what i eat? instant noodles. every day. and then i sleep and i don't dream and then i wake up to check an empty cellphone and watch brainless tv. it doesn't feel real.
it feels as if i'm not living at all.
joy, i'm seeing you tuesday. right?