Aug 15, 2006 13:30
I arrived in Tokyo yesterday after almost 5 hours of train rides. I am strangely used to travel now though and do not get stressed out a bit though, just tired.
I spent the weekend at my friend's minshuku (tourist home) in Toyama. It was very weird. I spent most of the weekend trying to recover my senses after the shock of moving out. This is the most traumatic move I have experienced and I had absolutely no real apetite until I arrived at the Nakagawa's last night. But the weekend was lovely. I meet Hiromi's family, including her neices (4 mths and 1 yr) and nephew (4 yrs). They are so cute!! We went to a small botanical garden and I got to see tons of butterflies. We also went to beach with her nephew and did fireworks in the evening. All in all, I ate well, slept a lot, and just chilled out in the seaside village.
I will admit though, I could not wait to get to Tokyo, and now that I am here I do not want to leave. It is so nice to Mariko and talk to her. I feel like I am at home. Taizo and Yumi have also been in a very good mood. Every time I see them they seem happier and Mariko says they have been in especially good moods these days. Taizo and Yumi laugh and joke around so much more than they used. We had beer at dinner like Yumi does every night and watched TV after dinner like it has always been when I come. Mariko came home from her club late like usual and there was the normal sharing of recent pictures and stories before bed. I folded the laundry as well and feel comfortable enough to help with things around the house. Mariko said this is my second home and she is right. I even have a place at the table. The same place I have always had and it does not interrupt anyone else's place. I am sure these things sounds silly, but I guess what I am trying to say is that I know I need family and the Nakagawa's and Ebisawa's are the closest I have to family on this side of the world, but that is more than most people who come to Japan. I know I am lucky. It feels really good to be able to go "home" and see people I love again.
So yeah... Now I am really happy. (^-^)