Sep 20, 2006 00:00
Ha i just spent the last hour (when i should be sleeping) reading my live journal. I suppose i should thank Kelly for inspiring me to write in mine, i was amazed that she still kept up with hers. I look back at my journal and I realize just how much things have changed. I wish i could go back to my second entry and just shake myself and say "D not worth your time or energy." but you know. If i didn't go through all that shit with kenny, i would have never gotten to this point in my life. With kenny i just settled. Honestly as much as i thought i cared for him, i really didn't. I just had no self esteem and let him walk all over me. What was my problem? After being apart from him for so long i developed this sense of independence which makes me realize i dont need him to feel good about myself. I'm at this amazing point in my life and i would NEVER change it. I started dating the most amazing man ever. Seriously Matt doesn't realize how much i love him. We have a lot of things in common, but we have small differences that keeps us interesting. He just gets me and my stupid sense of humor. He apperciates me for my stupidness and my passions. Its just so amazing to have a guy who feels the same about me that i feel about him and he shows it. Whether its holding my hand, or putting his arm around my shoulder...just small things that make me smile. He's definately a keeper and honestly i have never felt about anyone the way i feel about him. and its amazing. He makes me want to get married and have kids and become the housewife i was meant to be! :)
I started teaching too. 10th graders at North Point High School in Waldorf, MD. I seriously have the dream setting for my first job. My students are a challenge. But its a lot of fun. I'm learning how to speak ghetto. My students are teaching me. First lesson, drop the g's. Will do.
I guess if i had the chance i would change one thing, but i can't change it even if i wanted to. That one thing would have to be my brother. He's the only thing that is missing in my life. But you know, good things didn't start to happen to me until he passed away. I really think he's my guardian angel, up there helping me out. I would like to think he had his hand at bring me to matt, and bringing me to waldorf.
I should really get to bed because tomorrow is parents night and i will be at the school until 9pm, blar.