Nov 04, 2006 20:18

Birthday cakes for those who've had birthdays lately should be sitting in front of your apartment doors.  n_n

I'm a girl
I'm a boy
I like rain
I am a good dancer
I wear tank tops
I watch cartoons
I've watched Nick Jr. well into my teens
I spend too much time online
I have a collection of something
I have many clothes and i still never know what to wear
I can't control myself
I prefer construction paper over regular printer paper
I have a coloring book
I've been in a different country other than my own
I pretend to know things I don't
I complain too much
My life isn't as bad as I like to say it is
Someone likes me
I wish I weren't so stupid
I think I need to talk to someone about my problems.
I don't treat my friends as well as I should
I can stand on my toes
Tongue-twisters are easy to say
I listen to 60s music
I have too many secrets to count
I try to be as honest with people as much as possible
I'd be better off without my parent(s)
I have more than one life-changing regret
I want to live to be over 100
I listen to heavy metal
I sometimes stereotype people even though I say I hate labels
I'm artsy and 100% original
My nose is stuffy right now
I wish the weather would be warmer
I've frollicked on a beach
I once updated my livejournal more than 5 times in a day
I have more than one messaging program
I think South Park is the best show ever
I love Johnny Depp but I don't think he's the hottest man alive, he's just a great actor.
If I see a penny, I always pick it up
I watch Disney movies regularly
Peter Pan has the right idea
I have a special cup that nobody can use but me
I'm territorial
Even if I believe in non violence, I will fight for what I believe in
I have a new computer
My boy/girlfriend doesn't treat me as well as they should
I try to be a good person to everyone
I am rude
I snore and/or sleep talk
I over-eat when I am too stressed out
I take lots of pics of myself then delete them because I think Im ugly
I have a bad self-image
I'm waiting for someone to get online right now
I want to paint my room a different color
I have an interest in designing things
I'm a follower, not a leader
I watch Comedy Central like there's no tomorrow
I underestimate what my parents probably know about me
I take people for granted
I listen to music all the time
I'm a huge nerd
I know the real definition to the word 'dork'
I'm not as charitable as I could & should be
I am a member to 5+ web-sites
I like to play neopets daily
I know someone that needs help, but I don't try to help them
I've dipped my head under water to hold my breath to see what 'drowning' feels like
I have a step-family
I've thought about dying before
I didn't have many friends when I was growing up 
I comment on my friends' livejournals
I watch the news
I'm into politics
I do my homework regularly
I have a cell-phone
I'm not shy
I have three blankets on my bed that are all different colors
I think my house/appartment smells weird (the building does, not my apartment)
I am two-faced around certain people
I bite my nails
I watch Lord of the Rings at least once a week
I think some of my friends are total nerds
I have a penpal
I think stickers are the coolest
I like to correspond with people through actual letters & packages
I think hugs are the greatest show of affection
I sometimes don't wash my hands after I use the potty
I made a positive difference in someone else's life
My friends barely know how I feel 
I have a car
I've run up a phone bill
I watch the Surreal Life
I have an optimouse
My internet is too slow for my needs
I love to eat chocolate
My biggest fear is being alone
I like the band Coldplay
I have/used to have braces
I find everyone attractive in their own way
I have been in a long distance relationship
I look for the good in people
I'm usually fun to be around
I cry at least once a week (because of movies or something on the news/tv)
I have stuffed animals
I don't have cable
I like to work out
I don't like to complain But I do it anyway
I have a camera phone.
I am not a "morning person".
I drink diet soda.
My name has less than 7 letters.
I own a lava lamp. (somewhere...)
I have a dog.
Garlic knots are delish.
I watch Laguna Beach.
I love music.
I am on a laptop.
I have taken a shower in the past 12 hours.
I have done something illegal
I play with matches.
I watch The Real World.
My family owns a boat.
I want a pony.
My middle name has an "e" in it.
I like to read.
My screen name has no numbers in it.
Sharks piss me off.
I have a pet with a human name.
I like to draw.
I am a compulsive liar.
I have seen The Breakfast Club.
I have been water skiing.
The walls of my room are yellow.
I like Bright Eyes.
I have 2 or more siblings.
I own clothes that I don't wear at all
I am tired.
I saw The Dukes of Hazzard.
I love the 80s.
I am left handed.
Elvis is rad
I laughed during the family guy movie when Elmer Fudd FINALLY killed Bugs Bunny
I’ve dropped my cellphone on more than one occasion
I store my pictures in a photo album
Only stupid hopeless romantics celebrate Valentines Day…I know the original meaning…
I wish I could live in the mall sometimes
I’ve screamed during a movie before…at home…at the theatres
I have more than enough books in my room to last me a solid year of reading
I can be a perfectionist about some things
I’ve tripped over my computer cord and pulled it out of my computer
I’ve dropped my PS2 controller on the ground so much…I’m surprised it still works…
Please Green Day…enough…none of us want to be American idiots…
I still don’t understand how Dick Cheny mistook someone for a quail… (Hello, people get shot hunting ALL THE TIME.  GET OVER IT.)
I have more than 20 contacts in my cellphone
I hate myspace with an undying passion…it should cease to exist
I have a case for my laptop
If I knew I was about to die, I wouldn’t tell anyone
It means so much to me to get phone calls/emails/visits from friends
I really want to go clothes shopping soon
I’ve told people not to buy me stuff for Christmas/birthday and they still do
If dreams are just things we deny in real life…I’m denying some bizarre things
I believe the mayans might be right about 2012…
I love to organize my schedule
I have a sibling seven or more years younger than me
Car surfing is fun!
I have pictures of friends and family in my room
When I was a kid, there was always a stuffed animal I couldn’t sleep without
I’ve thought what it would be like to trade bodies with someone of the opposite sex
….and I know the first thing I’d do if it happened
I’ve downloaded songs off of Purevolume.com
I know someone born on Feburary 29th
I know someone who was born on my birthday besides me
I love listening to music in forgein languages
Whatever happened to Bob Saget?!
I’ve waken up talking in my sleep.
I know someone who is a Vegan
I’ve caught the stove on fire…by accident…
I trip over my own two feet
I’ve fallen down the stairs before, then got up and laughed about it (Well, I laughed and cried at the same time)
Who framed Roger Rabbit is one of the best movies ever!
I save all my old magazines
I would love to go on the autobahn!
I hate labels, people are people, everyone is special and unique
I got scared the first time I went into Hot Topic (I wouldn't go in there EVER)
I don’t like Vienna Sasuages
No tom, we are NOT friends
I could sit back in the warm sun listening to music all day
I’m an aunt!
The Curtains in my room are blue
Yo hablo espanol, tu hablas epsanol?
The squirrels in Washington D.C. are awfully tame.
If I had one wish, it’d be to be with my friends and family forever
…There’s a band called Morning Wood…why…? (..I like this band...)
If I could have any superpower I’d want laser vision
I have more than two boxsets in my collection
I love to sit in front of fireplaces…in the dark…
I use flashcards when studying
I’ve hit an animal with my car
I change the background image on my computer all the time
I know the ‘truth’ about Benjamin Franklin
I wish I had nieces/nephews just so I could buy them all the awesome toys
I didn’t quite get Galaxy Quest…
There is a stuffed animal somewhere in the room I’m in
My bookbag is pink
I have swallowed seawater
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