Navigating Ticketek consisted of...
- refreshing the Ticketek 'server busy' page twice per second until it disappeared.
- being granted an 8 min session on the actual Ticketek site.
- waiting several minutes for every page to load.
- trying to get seats listed as 'available'.
- being told that seat allocation had in fact been exhausted.
- getting timed out after 8 mins.
- repeating the process for well over an hour.
Somehow, I did manage to...
- reject 4x Silver Seated for 31 Oct.
- get 2x Silver Seated for 31 Oct.
- reject 2x Gold Standing for 1 Nov, twice.
- miss 2x Sexyback Lounge for 1 Nov, due to the timeout.
- get 2x Gold Seated for 1 Nov.
In short...