Ё-маё... Пойти подработать, что-ли? Никого проконтролировать не нужно? :) Можно национальным героем стать :)
Designated drivers
As the first state in the country to officially launch the Hero Campaign for Designated Drivers, New Jersey encourages all state residents to participate in designated driver programs wherever they travel, whether as a motorist or a passenger. Being a designated driver is a great responsibility. The designated driver is responsible for the safe transportation of friends or family members who have been drinking alcoholic beverages. Designated drivers not only ensure the safety of the people they are escorting home but also the safety of other motorists.
A motorist who chooses to have a designated driver when attending functions where alcohol will be served shows maturity and consideration for other motorists who share the road. More information about designated drivers and the Hero Campaign can be found at