DW 401, X-Files icons

Apr 11, 2008 22:08

Finally! The week is over! It was one of the longest weeks of my life, but finally the weekend is here! And what does that mean? well, Doctor Who of course! I'm so looking forward to the new episode.

So, my thoughts on "Partners in Crime". Brilliant first episode. Donne was reintroduced very well. I loved the whole being in the same place but not meeting thing.
The fat just walks away. Well, everybody knew that that would literally come true and I thought: oh great, big, ugly, disgusting fat-monster coming up. i was very surprised by the cute little babies. OMG, are they cute!
A lot of fun, but also beautiful moments with emotional depth like the scene in the Tardis were the Doctor realizes that he is talking to himself. Very moving. I also liked that one the one hand the Doctor is thrilled that Donna wants to come, but also reluctant and afraid to take her.
"planet of hats"!
Sonic action! And a sonic pen. Sleek!
ROSE! OMG! I think it is brilliant that they managed to turn her appearance on the show into a surprise. I mean, everybody knew she would return, and still everybody was surprised. She looked so sad, it almost broke my heart. so resigned, and much older, like she has seen too many things. I hope we see her in the next episode!
Doctor and Rose for ever and for always.

Coming up: X-Files icons. This summer the new X-Files movie is coming out and so I want to watch the whole series until then. Right now I'm in season six which is a weird season so far. Not very Xfile like, but still good. A funny two parter, a bizzare and kinda funny back to the past/second world war episode (happens in almost every scifi show): funny and the support cast speaking good german, the main cast trying to and a christmas episode. I didn't even know or suspect that there is an xfile xmas episode: very disturbing, very nice ending. Anyway, that inspired me to do Xfiles icons. i'm knew to this, so some could probably be better, but now I've got the taste for it. Still have some more ideas, then I will post them.

doctor who, x-files

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