Apr 25, 2005 12:34
This past week was busy... trying to get work done and battling my temptation to do nothing. Tuesday nigh I went to Quaker Steak again... but with Carly, B-ray, and Adam... and so amazing kid named Nate. He was so cool... i've never met anyone like him. It was a good time :)
Wednesday was of coarse 420... for a "catholic" school there sure are a lot of people who smoke weed... that's all I'm saying
Thursday night we went to the bar for Daynas b-day... Shelby and Madison came down from Carlow to share in the celebrations for Madison's birthday... I've decided I love Shelby. She is just great... nice girl and of coarse she is Amy's best friend and I am the same person as Amy so she's my best friend too! haha It was a good time... everyone was trashed. Why is it that you say thing you would never normally say when you're drunk? Is there a chemical or biological reason for this? or is it all psychological and concious... that you know you are trashed and so now you have an excuse to say fucked up things. I wish i knew the answer to this... it would make an interesting paper... but who am I to talk I dont write papers... or read them haha.
Friday i drove home... back to the ROC for weenie's birthday. When i got home no body was home... EXCEPT KITTY! I have a problem... i am so obsessed with my dog. So we had some quality erin/kitty time... then weenie got home and we caught up. Then mom got home and I was starving so we went to Olive Garden. Mmmmm so good. My mom and I pounded a bottle of Beringer Zinfindel bewtween the two of us. Good times... hospitaliano! When i got back i went and hung out with Bub & J-Tits for a while... good times boys. When i got home weenie and brillo were waiting for me.... we watched some crazy 1940's movie but i passed out and went to bed... i didnt wake up until 12... insane. I havent slept that long in a long time. Weenie and I watched a movie in the morning and mom made us orange danish rolls... mmmm sooo good :) then i got in the car and headed pack to the burgh
On the way back I stopped in Erie to see Tyler... he shaved his head. It was weird at first... I've never seen him with hair so short before but I kinda like it. It does make him look a little older... like 17 instead of 15 or something haha. So i hung out for about an hour and then got back on the road. I was so exhausted from the drive and nothing was really going on so we just stayed in and watched movies... me , Cori and Carly... oh yea... Nate too. We watched Zoolander and XXX... two of my favs :)
Yesterday i got a lot of work done... finished Wolf Whistle... almost done with webassign... i really need to start studying for chem... i really want the B+ it would help out my GPA a whole lot
Everyone is so excited for the semester to end and go home... dont get me wrong i want the semester to end but I dont want to leave here. I love it here. As soon as chem is over... its gonna be insane here this weekend... I cant wait. I am here until May 3... most people are leaving this weekend... its so sad. At least I'll have greg and carly to keep me company. :) well i gotta get going kids... goodluck on finals and once again thanks for the great year kids... I am gonna miss you SOOOOOOO much this summer!