Only posting

Sep 22, 2008 20:44

Yeh yeh only post when I have something to moan about.

Todays moan is those fantastic disabled people. you know the ones...against all odds. This was triggered today by someone at work saying how her mum had recovered from a stroke only because she was so strong willed. Grrr...So if I was more strong willed I wouldn't be so exhausted that I cant move? Or what about those people who have a different type of stroke? Less lucky I would call it. What about those of us with holes appearing in our brains? Obviously not trying hard enough to get well.

Then there are those who battle over mountains despite immense physical disability. Yeh yeh whatever great for them. Give them my body and tell them to negotiate a school full of wild teenagers, slopes and stairs for a day. Lets see who is brave!

I need a new job.
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