Jul 22, 2009 15:06
I thought that, as long as I'm actually posting to my LJ, I should probably write a life update as well.
I board a direct flight for Japan in 10 days. I've been talking to my American coworkers in Japan for a bit and have sorted out getting furniture for my apartment immediately upon arrival, finding a car, and getting some friends as soon as possible (Joe, my male coworker, keeps on mentioning introducing me to the apparently popular drinking scene). And maybe all this interspersed with a little work and climbing Mt. Fuji and some local mountains.
I received a pamphlet in the mail a few weeks ago that has aerial photos of the city I'll be in, and it looks gorgeous. There are mountains that pop out of the city like islands in an urban landscape. Sort of the like the hill parks in San Francisco, but on a much larger scale, usually dwarfing the rest of the city. I can't wait to see everything, and hopefully I'll be putting pictures up.
So right now I'm sitting at home, attempting to learn Japanese, hacking my PSP and studying for the GRE on the side. Idly considering learning C as well, though I think serious study may have to wait until I'm actually in Japan. I've been pretty lazy so far, but I'm starting to get some energy built up to really work on everything. Too bad it's raining out, or I'd be climbing this stone wall in front of an anonymous person's house that just begs to be crimped upon.
If anyone is in Cleveland and wants to see me before I leave, let me know!