Apr 17, 2009 06:07
My last post was about the JET program, so I guess I should mention that I was waitlisted. Which I think I actually like better than getting in completely, because if I get the awesome job in Singapore for which I'm interviewing at 6:30 am this morning (6:30 PM in Singapore), I can turn down JET and not have them penalize me for it.
In fact the job I'm interviewing for is amazing! I would get to write GIS applications on the internets and database data from many different disciplines in Earth Sciences. This may sound truly boring to some, but I'm a complete computer nerd and science dork, so it spells perfection to me.
Oh, and school this term kind of sucks. I have no clue what I should be doing for my thesis now, am supposed to be studying for GRE's, and, obviously, don't have a job or know what I'm doing next year yet. Balls.