Ok day at work today, tired, not enough sleep. A combination of oncall stuff, prep for the off-hours work tomorrow, and what I guess I should be calling the March Project, although really Jan, Feb, and Mar are all pretty related, and there's less One Big Thing that I'm trying to do in March specifically than there was in Jan and Feb. Anyway, I headed home early so Amy could go to a Women's Day really downtown, and was able to work from home quite successfully thanks to the kids vanishing upstairs to play peacefully together for like two hours, which was pretty astonishing. Ordered pizza for dinner, ate too much of it, forgot to post until now, and went to bed nice and early, although (spoiler from tomorrow morning) I had a hard time falling asleep, and then woke up at around 01:30 and couldn't get back to sleep. There's off-hours work to do shortly, so I was going to be up early anyway, but this isn't quite what I had in mind. Maybe I can take the afternoon off to catch up a bit...
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