Title: It's What My Hands Are For
Pairing: Inoo Kei x OC (you)
Genre: Fluff, Romance
Rating: PG
Summary: She tries to avoid him, but he has his ways to get around things.
Note: Just a minnie one-shot that randomly popped into my head^^
It's What My Hands Are For
Giant, white fluffy snow flakes were gently falling down from the evening sky. It was just like the romantic snow in the dramas and anime. For some reason, my heart was beating faster than usual. Maybe it's because he's here too.
We were walking next to each other, I felt him glancing over to me. A smile tugged onto the side of his lip and he pulled out his hand. I already knew what his move was going to be so I casually kept my hand close to my side. Whenever he would attempt to grab onto my hand, I would just try to naturally wave it around as I am walking, or I would speed up a bit. He attempted about three to four times and I finally held my purse with both hands.
Running out of patience, he grabbed my hand firmly and held it with his warm ones while putting both our hands in his coat pocket.
"You do know that hands are meant to be held right?" he informed me.
I could feel my cheeks heating up, "Y-You're just saying that as an excuse to hold my hand Inoo......"
He chuckled softly, "You could say that, yes. But it's also true ne? Because don't you think it would be weird if someone was walking with their partner and they were hold their own hand? Doesn't that just seem odd to you?"
".....I guess..."
I felt Inoo looking at me and that he was smiling. He stopped walking and held me back.
"Ne~~Are you still shy around me?" he curiously asked but I knew that he was only gonna make me blush and it always works.
"N-Not when you're being all......bleh and stuff!" I pouted, trying to hide my blush.
Inoo laughed and leaned in saying, "You're so cute."
He moved closer to my face and I swear I could feel a bead of sweat coming down the side of my cheek. I pulled my hand away and started to walk again. Hearing Inoo's laughter only made me pout more because I can't help myself but to blush whenever I'm around him. He makes my heart go 'doki-doki' all the time and he makes me feel complete.
"Chotto chotto~~~" Inoo said as he held onto my hand again.
"Why do you always want to hold my hand?" I demanded, but made no movement to remove my hand from his grasp.
"Well, because you are my girlfriend and I love you." Inoo smiled.
"Don't get cute on me." I warned, but Inoo only smiled more.
"My hands are made to hold and keep your hands warm. Your hands are made for mine to hold and protect forever." Inoo commented.
Great, I feel all hot again. Why does Inoo have to be so good at this 'making-me-blush' thing?
"I want you to open up to me more and depend on me more. I love you and I want our relationship to only grow stronger and stronger as the days pass." Inoo said and he kissed my cheek.
"H-Hai..." I replied but lowered my head from embarrassment.
Inoo lifted up my chin and our eyes locked.
"My hands will always be holding yours okay?" Inoo smiled and pecked my lips.
Sorry for da lameness of this one-shot. *gets shot* XD
My first Christmas fic of the year~!!!! *cheers*
Now I shall have to get back to rewatching Naruto updating my multichaps. Teehee~~~
Sorry if there are any errors peoples~!
Comments are L-O-V-E-D~♥!