(no subject)

Jan 26, 2004 15:15

Watching the snow cascade down from the sky is a rather beautiful sight. Standing in it while waiting for the bus, and having snowflakes inch their way down your neck however is not.

I had a few close encounters of loss of balance today, due to their still being ice on the sidewalks from yesterday. I love Converse, but they seriously lack in the traction department. To make matters worse, with my ankle being banged up, and my Shakespear book in my backpack, I feel as if my sense of balance is even more askewed.

I really, really, really do not like the room chosen for Monday's drill class in Chinese. I get claustophobic being in a room with no windows. My anxiety increased at the close proximity to others, but it wasn't as bad as it was when sitting in a circle for poetry class and I had to bite back the urge to start elbowing people to my left and right so I could breathe.

However, I like the snow. Or, I at least like watching it from the comfort of a warm apartment.
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