Yet again even in my new school -- All thinks I'm a freak with mental problems. I used to have some past years and etc' but.. I'm okay now.
Someone told the princepal I wrote down in my note something as: "Wish to be dead", sure they said it to my mom and then she asked me about it. At first I frowned, going all like "Huh????" and she asked again. It took time 'till I guess got it..?
Some girl I know from my class wrote down on an empty page in my note "DEATH IS A PROMISE AND YOUR LIFE IS A FUCKING LIE!!!" so I showed it to my mom.. and.. she told me never give my stuff to others. No, really, it's not like I gave her my note with pleasure and happiness so she'd write something like that. damn.
After that I showed my mom some other note where I draw in it stuff on breaks at school.. there is some page where I only wrote down single lyrics and drew stupid stuff. But even the lyrics I got there were out of Emilie's songs or TBM. Nothing related to death as far as I remember but anyhow, those one were tiny-winy to see~
Just so many stuff happen at school.. ugh.
Yeah and mom thinks I'm liar since I never told her that some girl tried to strip me once at the boarding school -__-
Even all those recent events good stuff happened too. Like, my mom managed to call my grandmother in Russia and etc', and of course it was hard talking to granma 'cos she was crying oAo .. But also my mom called almost everyone in her family which are in Russia x'D Almost too 'cos she didn't managed to call Tolik, her brother, he's currently in Finland or something like that.
Also my dad called to me and we were talking a lil' bit~ He got mad at me though 'cos I didn't find any new metal-bands to show off about them lololol I only sent him a few tracks of Yume Nikki's ost and some versions of U.N. Owen was her? .. He was all like "when are they gonna sing D8" ".. Dad, it's just a melody." ".. Oh."
I sent to him also the original version of "Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence" melody and he didn't have comment about itttttttttttttttt!!! Kinda made me sad. orz .. Only thing he liked was Ana Johnsson's song of " 'cos I can" =w=;
My dad also knows german so I sent to him a song called "Anna(nass)" (note: Annanass on hebrew and russian means pineapple) and he thought they were singing about a pineapple then I said to him "Dad, on german Anna-nass means wet-Anna." so.. some of people I know will never look at pineapples the same way again e__e; or even at Mukuro
Anddd.. after all this useless rant I need to take a shower, do a work for school, and draw something for an event or something.
.. Oh geezus orz ..
I don't even know why I wrote all this down. such a useless rant @_@