Invitation for you! & deathbed promises

Mar 17, 2006 08:58

Denver Zine Library Release Party:

This Saturday March 18th 8:00 pm
1225 Clarkson St. #3(go around back and up the stairs, notice all the bikes and know you're in the right place) -

please call me if you are a wee bit lost or need more directions.

(EDIT: So my zine 'The Tear Valve' is done!! I dont know how many copies I will have available tomorrow but if you want one - you can have one and if I run out I'll just make more. I'm not selling them yet, just trading and giving.)


So I called my dying grandfather last night cause my dad's all "Why dont you call your dying grandfather? You know, he'd really like to hear from you once in awhile." *really stern Hank Hill voice*

So I call him last night.

This is kind of funny. We're chatting about this and that. You know, just stuff. Then he gets all intense on my ass like he does "You know b. you've really been blessed by the good lord" (I ignore this comment and say 'yup' blankly in order to satisfy him) "In fact god's really blessed us all, he's looking out for us b. I really hope you dont do anything to mess that up. Dont draw any negative attention to yourself, you know, do anything to mess it up for all of us. Cause we've been blessed b. Very Veeeery blessed."


All of a sudden I had a vision of being there the moment he dies, and a deathbed promise: "Tell me, tell me you believe in God...tell me you'll get married and have babies. Promise me you will meet me in heaven you heathen...promise me!" Deathbed can you say no? You're kind of obliged to say 'yes, i promise i will...blah blah blah' am I right? And then not carry through...making oneself a liar...that sucks. Are you still a liar if while you promise to 'blankity blank blank, hetero-normative judeo christian blah blah blah' if you cross your fingers behind your back? Does any of this even matter? No. No it does not.

Fuck deathbed promises. That shit is so tired. Redundant bullshit. People die. We are not immortal. Must this be rubbed in my face Springtime? Must it?!

K i'm done.
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