Brain Weasel Stomping Day

Jul 19, 2007 12:27

from tamnonlinear, because i heartily approve of the idea, and because i've definitely got brain weasels that are in serious need of a stompdown.
and dedicated, perhaps, to my good friend emofraggle, who has taught me a hell of a lot about the little pieces of human interaction that make life a better place.

Wow - what is it in the air lately? Post after filtered post about how everyone is feeling alone, disconnected, unwanted. It's not like this is one or two people - it's like a rash all over my friends list the past few days. Male, female, betwixt, undecided, seems to be an equal opportunity Brain Weasel.

Clearly, something needs to be done. I think we need to have a Brain Weasel Stomping Day.

The problem, as I've noted before, is "it's easier to see the Weasels when they're eating someone else's brain." So this is my call to my friends list, and to your friends list, and beyond. This Friday, make an effort to squish someone's Brain Weasel. (And hell, not just this Friday. Do it this weekend, do it when you think of it, do it when you're having a rough day or a good day, do it on alternate Tuesdays...just get out your jackboots and go on a grand weasel-stomp!)

Have a crush on someone? Post a flirty comment in their journal. Admire someone's skills? Post a comment about it. Just think a person is nifty? Now is the time to tell them. Doesn't matter if the post your commenting to doesn't have much to do with your comment. Just post those good thoughts. Trust me. People will appreciate it.

Do this for everyone - not just those you suspect are feeling down (After all, you might not be on their Brain Weasel filter). Take a few minutes and help launch people into the weekend with a smile. And...who knows? Maybe sharing how others make you happy will make you a bit more cheerful in return.

(...and, of course, the image that comes to mind is that of Spider Jerusalem, with that devil-mania grin, ready to go out monstering...)
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