Jul 22, 2006 11:43
I was walking back to my house from the Yio Chu Kang MRT station with my friend Sam - something I've never done before, because I never thought to. Anyway, we were just chatting, and the journey was maybe about three-quarters over... when this bird just shits on my head. It was wet, and went splat splat. And I stopped, turned to Samantha, and said, "Sam, I think... is there bird shit on my head?" She looked, and after a while, confirmed it. Zhen dao mei, ah! >.< Of course she was also laughing at me... but it was ridiculous. It smelled so bad too. Then we walked home, and finally I got to wash my hair out. (She had to help me.) I dumped a shitload (...) of shampoo on it and it was quite thoroughly washed, I believe. Didn't want to die from some bird shit disease. Anyway. That was the most... er... eventful thing that happened last night.
But I hung out with Geraldine yesterday, and that was so much fun!!! I'm so glad we didn't lose contact - actually, I'm glad I didn't lose contact with a lot of people. ^^ Ge and I went to see Just My Luck first, and that was just okay. When we came out of the theater we were talking about Pirates instead though, lol. Then we walked on to the Heeren (she wanted to see the Wallet Shop... Shanti and I have this joke about it which always makes me laugh. "Hey look, it's the Wallet Shop. I wonder what they sell there." -Me in 2004. Then this year, when we were at the Heeren again, I pointed and said, "Hey, look, it's the Wallet Shop again." Then she goes, "...I wonder what they sell there.") Ge was looking for a pencil box, but turns out it was too pink. But it was quite nice, and nicer than the Billabong ones we saw. Later we checked out Taka and looked at some cute stuff they had there, like Happy House. We also stopped by Kalm's. Apparently she likes to buy everything, hehe. ^.- I think she's convinced me to get a Billabong or Roxy bag - they're the in thing for JC students, and I quite like those kinds of bags anyway. Some are very nicely designed. Besides that, I have patches I want to paste on it, should I end up buying one.
I'm so glad I get to stay in my condo! I love my friends here, and it's so convenient just to walk over or whatever... whenever they're not studying, of course. Sometimes I feel really bad, because maybe they should be studying instead of hanging out with me, right? I know I'm only back for a while, but it's a long while, and they shouldn't - and don't - have to drop everything, obviously. *sigh* And if any of my Singapore friends are reading this, do you know if NUS is hard to get into? Somehow I have the feeling it is... but am I overreacting? What is your opinion of NUS?
Anyway, I'm trying to organize a gathering tomorrow of several of my classmates from 6D. I hear they meet every once in a while, which is cool. So far I think only Ronald and Nyuk Min are coming for sure. Jo Ee, Tim, and Agnes aren't sure yet. I think Jun Wei was also invited, and I just asked a few more classmates over Friendster - so I dunno if they will see it in time. lol. But the problem is I have no idea what time to meet, and where. At first we thought East Coast, but then people don't want to sweat or cycle or roller blade... so I think East Coast is out. Haha. Oh! Jo Ee just messaged me Nyuk Min's number... now I can ask her what time... Well, I guess I should conclude this entry. I'm excited about tomorrow. Hope it works out!!!