Mar 21, 2004 13:21
Soo, long time - no update. I've been a little lazy and down on life lately. I don't know why...... just another unexplainable Ashley feeling. All I know for sure is that I'm getting restless with school. All my grades are going to hell; I think I'm just setting my goals too high and screwing myself over even more than I normally would. I just can't wait until this year's over. Why can't there be a second chance?
On the positive side, this long weekend was very much anticipated. Hung out with Sean and Liv thursday... can't wait for her party next week. :) Friday, went to the mall, got accused of shoplifting for no reason (don't feel like explaining, already did on myspace so go there if you really want to), and yesterday was just me and Sean hanging out at my house. My dad was gone all weekend in Ohio for some horse race, so it was in my mom's best interest to stay home and annoy me. This morning I got up and my dad yells at me cause apparently my mom forgot what time to pick him up at the airport (yeah, my mom has a few problems).... so I love it how I get the blame for something I can't even control. *sigh* Well, what am I expecting in THIS family? Yeah, way too much.
Today.... my dad might take me somewhere to eat. 3 cheers for that.... :\ Then Sean's coming over for a little bit.
Enough said.