Um, title is enough warning about what's behind this cut...
After I got home from work, Leroy played Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. Needless to say, it's been a while since I've sat down to watch this one. A long while...
I walked into the living room and screamed, "David Tennant! Ten!" at the opening scene. Later on, when we encounter Cedric for the first time, I ran in from the kitchen and making dinner to scream, "It's Edward!"
Of course for those of you who don't know, let's rewind a few years to the first time I saw Twilight and said, "I like tacos. Do you know who can't have tacos? Cedric, because he's undead and craving Bella's blood!"
And let's move back even earlier in time to just after my return from England when I broke and submitted myself to watching Doctor Who, and after only a week to finish season 1 of the new series, literally diving under a desk and screaming out loud in terror, "Oh my God! It's Barty Crouch Jr.! What did they do to my Doctor!?" [Go back and compare Ten still in Nine garb to BCJ, and tell me that my reaction was unjustified.]
At any rate, I abandoned Dr. Who for a week because of it, before I finally relented, went back to it and watched all of Series 2 in about a week, if not less. Thus began my Ten obsession. [No I never watched Waters of Mars or anything there after, I can't bring myself to do it. Ten's my Doctor. :(]
And is anyone at least a little bit bemused by the fact there are people running rampant on the internet believing David's gonna play the Riddler in the next Batman movie? It would it only give me more reason to love Batman. In case you wish to find yourself
bemused by fan-made posters.
Finally, I'm off to the Supernatural Wiki and a few other sites besides. I have to some how catch up on Season 5 of Supernatural so I can be completely prepared for Season 6.