Things I’m 'shipping in figure skating

Dec 01, 2013 13:41

Last week, I was on a train journey, somewhere between Cheltenham Spa and Despair, looking for something diverting to read on my Kindle and I ended up re-reading some Johnny Weir/Evan Lysacek fanfic from 2010. And I remembered… oh yeah, that was a thing.

It made me wonder: when the Olympics dawn next year, what random skating pairings will Fandom At Large suddenly start ‘shipping the fuck out of?

Whoever gets the US Olympic men’s slot #1/Whoever gets the US Olympic men’s slot #2, I’m guessing. (Adam Rippon/Jason Brown? Adam Rippon/Jeremy Abbott? …Max Aaron/Brandon Mroz? …probably not that last one.)

Will Fandom At Large repeat 2012 gymnastics and pick a transcontinental femslash pairing instead (ala Raistafina)? Will Ashley Wagner/Adelina Sotnikova suddenly become the hip new ‘ship (…Wagnikova)?


I know what I’m ‘shipping, though, and here’s a quick run-down:

All ice dance pairings, ever… because I’m horribly addicted to showmance and also rumours of maybe-dating, probably-used-to-date, etc.

Nathalie Pechalat/Fabian Bourzat (file under: used to date)

Nath and Fab are whimsical and French and not-here-for-your-bullshit and generally have the most personality out of any of the top dance teams.

They are almost definitely not going to win the bronze medal in Sochi, since the judges are holding them down on account of Not Being Russian. And even though I guess that’s difficult for them, since this is what they’ve trained for their entire lives, it’s quite possibly EVEN MORE DIFFICULT FOR ME, BECAUSE I HAVE A LOT OF FEELINGS. :(

Here is a really sad French TV segment about them placing 3rd at Trophee Eric Bompard (a.k.a. the end of their Olympic dreams [/melodrama]), but I totally live for Fabian giving Nathalie a pep talk before their Free Dance:

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Kaitlyn Weaver/Andrew Poje (file under: maybe dating)

Kaitlyn and Andrew still look to me like they should be starring in a made-for-TV movie about a Ditzy Media Professional who meets a Rakish ER Doctor and they fall into bed but are Afraid To Let Love In. (And that’s something I’m into, I guess?)

(This is their Twitter default. So maybe we should throw some unrepentant showmance in their direction, too. Oh, Canadians.)

Elena Ilinykh/Nikita Katsalapov (file under: used to date)

It’s hard for me to love them when I think about how much they’re being held up… but easy for me to love them when I look that their faces. Such attractive faces. These two look to me like they should be starring in a CW show about ice dance that’s called Fire and Ice: The Iciest Fire.

Tessa Virtue/Scott Moir (file under: unrepentant showmance)

I wish I knew how to quit them. :(

…no, but really, I cannot fucking wait for their documentary series and the 100,000 ways it will imply that they’re dating even though they’re not. *__*

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(Super-pretty pictures of V/M and P/B from Elina Paasonen, FYI)

Pretend-y m/m ice dance pairings, also

What’s better than boys fooling around at practices pretending to be ice dancers? What is ever better than that? (Nothing. Because BOYS.)

Adam Rippon/Alex Shibutani:

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(Important side note #1: hi there, Alex’s abs. Important side note #2: read my Adam/Alex fic >__>)

Adam Rippon/Charlie White:

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Javier Fernandez/Richard Dornbush:

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Orser ducklings, forever… because I always want to read about Brian “jumping up and down at the boards” Orser and his happy little coachees, whether they’re past (RIP Adam and Yuna) or present (hiiiiii, Yuzu and Javi).

...but then, I talked about this already. :)

The Hunger Games AUs

I ‘ship the OT3 of any skater/any skater/murder. Johnny feels me:

A really attractive guy and his cult leader

Daisuke Takahashi/Nikolai Morozov

I’m definitely feeling the person who made this fanvid, which mostly consists of shots of Daisuke looking uncomfortable while Nikolai looks smarmy. TRUE LOVE.

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I can’t help it, I’m totally here for the drama of their coach/student relationship ending acrimoniously and Nikolai making comments like “If it weren’t for me, there would be no Daisuke Takahashi (I, LIKE, INVENTED HIM)”. And then, of course, the two of them reuniting for the Olympics, and Daisuke in interviews sounding like a battered wife who thinks that maybe this time things will be different with her abusive husband:

“I learn from Nikolai’s coaching method, but I won’t be relying on it 100% this time. I’m not expecting to have the same relationship that we had before. […] I’m not who I was four years ago. I imagine Nikolai has changed as well. So, to be honest, I’m not entirely certain what I will get out of this. […] Perhaps I may disappoint him. This will perhaps be a battle to test both of us.”


What a great note to end this rambling and crazy post on! Come, ‘ship with me!

figure skating

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