My Hannibal fic recs: a masterlist

Aug 07, 2013 13:26

I've been reading a lot of Hannibal fanfic recently, so I thought that rather than make sporadic fic rec posts, I'd just create a masterlist which I could update as and when.

All stories are complete. Please, please leave the author a comment if you enjoy their story.


The Borderland State by nekosmuse (Mature)
Longfic. In a future where Hannibal has been caught, he escapes from prison and goes after Will, because (as Bedelia theorizes) he thinks he’s in love with him. This makes for a lovely hiatus snack; reading it feels like watching an episode of the show. It’s marked as Hannigram, but I’d advise reading it as Gen, since the relationship remains mainly in the abstract. My favourite parts are actually the ruminations on Abigail’s life down the road.


Vide Cor Meum by Toft (Explicit)
This story embroiders around the edges of the last few episodes -- with sex, but also with a truly thrilling level of character analysis. There's so much texture and macabre beauty to the writing; it's really a story that gives and gives and gives.

every color at hand by Randstad (Explicit)
Hannibal paints Will’s portrait. The author writes Hannibal(’s seduction) as such a convincing combination of hot and terrifying. The references to Hannibal’s murderous nature are so clever.

Enlightenment by luvkurai (Explicit)
Hannibal kidnaps Will and broadcasts their sex acts to the FBI. I don’t really buy Hannibal as a sexual-sadist, but ohboy, this is non-con executed to perfection.

Strange Bedfellows by amandajean (Mature)
Aaaand if you like your Hannigram slightly less pitch-black, here’s a lovely forced-to-share-a-bed story, involving Dr Lecter prescribing cuddle therapy. Ahh! Fluffy but well-characterized and finely-detailed.

little fish, big fish, swimming in the water by Jamesina (Explicit)
This fandom has such a plethora of "character study via sex scene" stories and this is another great one, filled with beautiful, evocative prose and sharp characterization.

the repeated image of the lover destroyed by etirabys (Explicit)
Hannibal is kidnapped and, even though he could escape easily, he decides to ride out the experience in order to manipulate Will's emotions. This is a tense, engaging story, with moments of complete hilarity very much in line with the show's dark humour.


The Way We Sleep by halfhardtorock (Explicit)
Abigail moves into Will's house and slowly, slowly they find themselves immeshed in a sexual relationship. This story really maximises the creepy aspects of the pairing, while also delivering the sexiest build-up I've read in a long time.

Scent by black_lodge (Explicit)
Abigail has sex with Will and then goes to see Hannibal. The clever construction of this story takes a wonderful premise (yessssss, all I ever want is Abigail non-con'ing Will into sex and then taunting Hannibal with this fact, *__*) and makes it into something teasing and dark.


You'll Not Feel the Drowning by mirandu (Mature)
Hannibal reacts to hearing about Alana and Will’s kiss by seducing Alana… obviously. I love talky scenes of seduction, and two psychiatrists seducing one another makes for the talkiest of seduction scenes. The UST in this one is palpable.


I'm A Chemical Too by th_esaurus (Mature)
Short and fragmentary, but in the best way possible: in less than a thousand words, the author paints an achingly emotive portrait of the murder family. I was hooked by the line, “Will isn't allowed to be left alone with her” and the fic still hasn’t let me go.

Contain by Toft (Explicit)
Threesome sex, which nails the uneasy character dynamic between the three of them. There are glimpses of Hannibal's darkness, and how well he controls it, while Abigail's manipulations are subtly presented -- how she's soaking up Hannibal's influences, but also unleashing more of herself.


Harvest by lakegreen (Explicit)
Abigail ends up witnessing the tail-end of Hannibal and Alana’s opera ‘date’ with Will. This fic showcases Hannibal putting his manipulation skills to a less-awful use than usual and it’s delicious. Thoughtfully characterized and utterly convincing.


The Devil Makes Three by RunRabbitRun (Explicit)
In a masterful TV/book mash-up set in the future, Will goes looking for Clarice (because he wants to rescue her, or because he subliminally wants back in Hannibal's aura?). This story is so lovingly characterized and exquisitely detailed. It really feels like a delicious continuation of the last 50 pages of Hannibal.


Sweet and Savory by RunRabbitRun (Explicit)
A lovely series of vignettes about Hannibal going down on the various ladies in his life (Abigail, Alana, Beverly). I love how distinct each part is, and how much the author manages to communicate about the various characters in such a short number of words.

hannibal, fic recs

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