More Hannibal fic recs

Jul 07, 2013 11:29

Hey guys, hey. I must admit I've been remiss at cross-posting my blog posts here. Although, I just realized that the LJ feed I set up years ago -- meloframa -- still works, so if you want my blog posts on your f'list, try friending that. Otherwise, twitter and tumblr are altogether better places to find me. <3

Anyway, here are some more Hannibal fic recs, because that's where I'm at fannishly.

The Borderland State by nekosmuse (Gen, implied Will/Hannibal + Abigail)
Longfic. In a future where Hannibal has been caught, he escapes from prison and goes after Will, because (as Bedelia theorizes) he thinks he’s in love with him. This makes for a lovely hiatus snack; reading it feels like watching an episode of the show. It’s marked as Hannigram, but I’d advise reading it as Gen, since the relationship remains mainly in the abstract. My favourite parts are actually the ruminations on Abigail’s life down the road.

Harvest by lakegreen (Hannibal/Will/Alana + Abigail)
Abigail ends up witnessing the tail-end of Hannibal and Alana’s opera ‘date’ with Will. This fic showcases Hannibal putting his manipulation skills to a less-awful use than usual and it’s delicious. Thoughtfully characterized and utterly convincing.

Scent by black_lodge (Abigail/Will + Hannibal)
Abigail has sex with Will and then goes to see Hannibal. A dirty-hot and teasingly-constructed piece of fuckedupness.

Enlightenment by luvkurai (Will/Hannibal)
Hannibal kidnaps Will and broadcasts their sex acts to the FBI. I don’t really buy Hannibal as a sexual-sadist, but ohboy, this is non-con executed to perfection.

Strange Bedfellows by amandajean (Will/Hannibal)
Aaaand if you like your Hannigram slightly less pitch-black, here’s a lovely forced-to-share-a-bed story, involving Dr Lecter prescribing cuddle therapy. Ahh! Fluffy but well-characterized and finely-detailed.

hannibal, fic recs

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